31 January 2007


Supermarket Man smiled at me yesterday evening. That's the second time in, oooh, about two years. He takes his time about things, I feel.

This is immature and puerile, but it amused me:


28 January 2007

Opera Elvis

Excellent night out with the girls: pub, surprise birthday party. Two good bands made up of regulars playing quirky and unusual choices of songs.

In between the band, "Opera Elvis": another regular who didn't look like Elvis, and didn't particulalrly sound like him. But he had a cracking voice and great presence (plus the rhinestone suit and cape, natch). And he really did do opera (very very well). Brilliant concept well executed. The pub was jumping. He performed a very interesting new song called "Lusaka Girls" too.

We had Cava to start, Cava to finish (some, before we poured ourselves into a taxi at 03.00) and 'a number' of small drinks in between. Handsome strangers, interesting looks, everyone on top form. Very, very good fun.

Watching: CBB. Interesting. Grace under pressure and a nice example of turning the other cheek.

This news story about a cat and a bear is fabulous.

26 January 2007

Huffy Locals

Watching: Midsomer Murders.

You can't beat a good old-fashioned murder with families, brothers, intermarriage, family business and huffy locals.

25 January 2007

Out Wth Mr Nice

Out with Mr Nice earlier this evening. The old pub near old work simlar but different.

Among other things, we discussed the issue of Pride in Ignorance (a particular bete-noire of mine) and the perennial problem of Showercam. What is to be done about Showercam?

Watching: Inspector Alleyne.: "That's the trouble with women and poison; they never when know when to stop."